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FAQs About Intro Sessions
Q: Will I be forced to box if I want to become a member of the club?
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT. Many of our members simply want to get the benefits of boxing training without having to actually compete. We even hold regular non contact gradings, so you can still be the greatest without taking a shot.
Q: I want to box but I've never done it before, is this opportunity open to me?
A: Yes it is. All of the trainers are rigorously trained to be able to give you a fun and exhilarating experience within a controlled sparring environment. You will need to have a gumshield of your own, but we will supply the rest of the kit.
Q: Is there any reason that I won't be able to spar?
A: Although very rare, there are scenarios where you will not be allowed to spar because of previous health issues or a present injury or underlying medical condition. This is for your own safety and the reason we have a medical questionnaire when you join the club. It is your responsibility to keep the training staff updated with any changes in your health and condition, irrespective of how minor you may feel they are.
Q: I'm a girl/woman. Is this training suitable for me?
A: Absolutely, we have many accomplished ladies boxing training at the club (some even spar).
Q: I think I'm too unfit to start boxing, I need to get in shape and lose some weight before I come down?
A: All cityboxer trainers have the skill to adapt the training systems they design to benefit each and every individual member irrespective of age, gender or present physical condition. As for weight loss, the club motto is 'lose the weight on the plate', and we can answer your nutritional questions with some solid and proven scientific facts, not Quack Fads!
Q: Will I need to buy lots of kit?
A: No. You will get a complimentary pair of gloves and wraps when you join. You'll also get some complimentary personal training and the very best boxing facilities and classes you'll find anywhere. If at some later date you decide you would like to buy some more kit, simply ask your trainer for advice.
Q: I don't want to become a club member but I do want to have a personal boxing coach for one on one sessions. Is that possible?
A: Yes it is possible to book a cityboxer trainer for one on one sessions. However, these are sold at a premium and can only be purchased in blocks of 10 (terms and conditions apply).
Q: Can I pay for the classes as I go?
A: No, classes are restricted to club members only.
Q: Can i pay for admittance to the club on a 'pay as you go' basis?
A: No, the Ring is a private boxing club. we are very proud of the level of camaraderie, friendliness and professionalism that exists inside the space. We are proud to describe ourselves as a 'private members club'.
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